Friday, July 6, 2012

Windows Phone Apps More Expensive Than Iphone Apps Really

Comparison chart shows paid apps for Windows Phones are on average more expensive than apps for iPhones. According to OReilly Research, the average Windows phone app will cost you $6.16, whereas the apps for the iPhone are only $3.43 on average. In an article by Jay Yarow, Business Insider, gives us a comparison chart for the various app categories.

Windows Phone Apps More Expensive than iPhone Apps Really?

True or false? Windows Phone 7 apps are actually much cheaper than the rest of the Smartphone apps. Windows 7 Professional Product Key According to research done by app store analytics company Distimo, overall, paid apps on Windows Phone 7 average $1.95 in the U.S., compared with more than $4 on the iPhone and more than $3 on Android. Why such a difference in reports? The research done by OReilly doesnt make obvious that the research is done for the old Windows Mobile platform. According to an article by Todd Bishop, TechFlash, Seattle, WA, prices are much lower for the new Windows Mobile 7 apps. Paid apps for Windows Phone 7 are the cheapest of all stores, compared with the average price of paid apps for Palm, BlackBerry, Android, iPhone and Nokia devices, according to the Distimo report.

Microsoft debuted the new Windows Phone 7 in October in New York City. Microsoft was hoping to lure users away from Apples iPhone and Google Android phones. The new interface is reportedly pretty cool, but is seriously lacking in apps. Apple has more than 300,000 apps available for the iPhone, and Google is fast on Apples heels. As of November 22nd, there were only 2,674 Windows Phone apps. Microsoft will have to really hustle to catch up. Knowing this, Microsoft has been wooing the game developers as well as going after business apps. At the October 11th debut, Microsoft touted apps from big name developers such as Netflix. The integration with Xbox Live may draw some folks as well. It is easy to conclude however, that Microsoft has some marketing challenges ahead of them.

New Windows Phone 7 apps are coming down in price compared to previous Windows Mobile devices. According to the article by Todd Bishop, the average price of $1.95 for paid Windows Phone apps is down from an average price of $6.27 for paid apps in the marketplace for the previous Windows Mobile 6.x Office 2010 Key devices. Microsoft has been encouraging app developers not to underprice their apps, but still keep them within the affordability range. Microsoft is counting on the new Windows Phone platform to bring them back into the mobile market. The company is promising 3,000 new apps by the end of the year, with some 15,000 app developers working on new products.

Will the new Windows Phone 7 make a ripple in the Smartphone market? From all the ratings, the Windows Phone 7 is receiving outstanding marks. It is apparently pretty snappy as far as speed goes, and the user interface is friendly. With more apps, both paid and free, it may claim a larger Windows 7 Product Key Generator portion of the market than some of the other platforms like BlackBerry and Palm. Time will tell..

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